Custom Home Builder Wilmington NC | Stier Construction Company Custom Home Builder Wilmington NC | Stier Construction Company Custom Home Builder Wilmington NC | Stier Construction Company

Detailed Cost Estimate


  1. Locate a home site.
  2. Select a plan.
  3. Talk over the specifications.
  4. Receive a detailed estimate at no cost to you.

Once folks have purchased property, most have two concerns. They wish to locate a plan that fits their property and contains the features they desire. Secondly, they want to know how much it will cost to build that home: "Can we afford this dream?"

If you are able to locate a home plan in a book or online that you are happy with, that is a start. You do not need to purchase the plan at this time. We have developed a computer aided estimating process that will provide an accurate estimate, based on one eighth inch scale drawings. The information in floor plan books and online will work.

You will receive a detailed copy of all the costs that go onto the home. All the lumber, subcontractors and fees... everything. It should be noted the estimate produced by this process has allowances for certain items. You will not really know what the home will cost until you have been able to shop for the exact kitchen you want, select appliances, plumbing fixtures and other items. However, it is accurate, it provides a helpful idea about costs, and it is free to you.

If you are having a problem locating a plan that is suitable, we can also talk about designing one for you. This would involve a small expense. We design most of the homes we build.

Contact us for a detailed cost estimate.

View Sample Detailed Cost Estimate
Wilmington NC Custom Home Builder | Stier Construction Company